Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Change of Face

Beyond our usual critique and some more droning on about CTN, those of us that happened to find ourselves at club yesterday managed to discuss a fairly important topic that would affect the whole club. Namely, the name!

The animation club leaders have been collaborating with Campus Life and Leadership trying to further establish a  more concrete identity for ourselves as an organization. This calls for branding, and a complete face-lift for our online community (yeah, we don't like the blog design either). To begin this process, however, we decided that in order to create a solid name for ourselves...we had to create a solid name for ourselves...Nothing screams "bland" (albeit so succinct) like "AAU Animation Club".

Although in the end, it's going to be an executive decision, we would like to hear a little input as to how our club-goers would like to be portrayed/

Some insanely bad-ass idea for a sweet, sweet name? (Remember: It doesn't specifically have to say 'Animation' in the name.)

Don't hesitate to contact us with your thoughts via e-mail (, or simply comment on this very post. Note: Due to time constraints, if you post later than Monday, October 3rd, your voice may not be heard! Post early if you've got something to say.

Have a great weekend!

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