The goal of
Tea Time is to bring together current animation students and Alumni to discuss industry and department related news and concerns, facilitate lectures by guest speakers, nurture communication between the student body and the Animation Department and finally, to provide an opportunity for peer-to-peer critique. We are a networking resource for the student community.
Tea Time meets on Fridays at 3:30pm in room 349 of 180 New Montgomery. On top of the company you want and the critique you need, it's customary that we provide hot beverages and snacks to enjoy while you're with us. After all, it is Tea Time! If you'd like a more in-depth look at what Tea Time is all about, please feel free to tune in to this recording of our
online informational session with some of our staff!
What should I Bring?
Well...yourself! Everything else is optional. That being said, we strongly encourage all Tea Time members to participate in group critique, thus, you should also bring some work! For animated pieces
Quicktime files only, please! You also may want to bring a pen and paper for note taking, and, needless to say, a good attitude.
Want more? Feel free to join our brand new Facebook group! This is your opportunity to have a greater voice within our club. Post about anything -- Need critique? Find a cool blog? Have a helpful animating tip? Post it on the Facebook. Share, learn and hear up-to-date information on the comings and goings of Tea Time members. It's the perfect place to hear about any and all upcoming events, while having regular access your peers that you may not usually get in between classes.
Finally, Community Clean Team events happen every month. The animation club takes pride in giving back to our local and global community. For dates and pick-up locations, as well as any additional club updates, please follow to this blog.